We all know a few people who are having a tough time.
For most of them it’s just a dark patch and they’ll pull through without too much hassle or obvious strain. For others it’ll be a deep, pitch black hole that feels lonely, scary and completely overwhelming. The thing is, from the outside, you can’t tell which friend is dealing with which.
So what do you do? You reach out to all your friends who are having a tough time!
Sometimes it can feel awkward or you might have it in your head that you’d have to buy a big gift or spend the day with someone for it to make a difference, so you put it off. We’ve all done that, but let’s not do it anymore, okay? Little things really do make a big impact.
I’ve made a list of 10 little things that you can do to help a friend who is struggling, hopefully 1 or 2 will jump out at you and help you support someone you love :)
I’m sure you guys have 100’s of other great ideas! Please leave them in the comments on our socials (links below) so we can get more inspired to support the people we love.
As you guys know, I’m not a mental health professional, just a happy person sharing from my own experiences and learning, trying to lift others up ✌🏼
Here is a link to UK mental health organisations if you need professional help https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/depression/useful-contacts/
Thanks for reading!
Love Astra
Computershare wanted to give something that would help their staff to focus on wellbeing. We sent over 10,000 individual gifts to homes in 7 countries spread over 3 continents. Here is what they had to say about working with us.
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