Don't give up on your New Years Resolutions! We'll help to get you back on track!

Don't give up on your New Years Resolutions! We'll help to get you back on track!

We believe in you!
Seriously we do, whatever you wanted to do, make or be in 2017, you CAN! Even if you feel like you’ve already failed - it’s still the VERY start of the year! We’re not even at the end of the FIRST month! Come on! Get your head back in the game 💪🏼 

If you’re falling behind on your 2017 goals or they’ve already been pushed aside I challenge you to get back on track and I’ve got some tips and a mega motivational SALE to help!

FIRST THING to do is admit you’re a biiiit lazy (we all are in some way!) and then find a way to make it a teeny bit easier (for your lazy self!) to do what you need to do. Some examples…

  • If you want to eat healthier, move all unhealthy food out of sight, I put it in the very back of an awkward pull out corner cupboard, but in the garage would work much better! 
  • If you’re learning the banjo, find a place that’s extremely visible & accessible like the middle of your coffee table and make that it’s new home!
  • If your goal is to run 10k then lay out your running clothes on your bedside table and your running shoes beside your bed, you’ll be dressed for a jog before you’ve had time to make an excuse! 

These little things seem silly but they’ve been proven to significantly increase your chances of success🌟 That 10 seconds you save or add in, makes all the difference! I’ve actually pulled the chocolate cupboard out a few times only to close it again having realised it’s not what I want MOST it’s just what I want NOW. And the time saving options work just as well, they remove the first step which we all know is the hardest.

SECOND THING is to find an Itty Bitty design or two 😉 that resonates with you and buy it at a massive discount in our January Motivation SALE! Put it somewhere that you’ll see it every single day - multiple times a day if possible! 

Then no more procrastinating - get on with being the best version of you! 😄
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